workbook/  154 Rideau Street, 10/12/2001

Preliminary Spatial Modeling for 154 Rideau Street, Ottawa., 
for Maniplex Investments.
"...rudis indigestaque moles
nec quicquam nisi pondus iners congestaque eodem
non bene iunctarum discordia semina rerum."
                             -- Ovid, Metamorphoses, 1.5
Architectural insertion into an existing 2 storey, 204 feet long building (urban rubble) introducing archetypal volumes (tubular, cubical and barrel-vaulted) selected for their unique acoustical properties appropriating each to a specific intended use: tubular night-club/bar; cubical private residence; barrel-vaulted public restaurant. 

The creative intentions outline a program to highlight the progressive realization of spatial and plastic qualities emergent from the somewhat chaotic interplay of the planar, concave and convex surfaces (transparent, translucent and opaque) and the distinctive natural luminosities emanating from the physical juxtaposition of their three dimensional profiles.  Controlled flux from natural and electric  light (filament and fluorescent) is accordingly added to the material place holders as artifacts theatricalizing or thematizing space.

Tectonic allusions to the catacombs of ancient Rome, the sewers of the Casbah of Tangiers and quadridimensional orderings subliminally root the theatricality and intellectuality of form as they inform the discordant uses.

"nullus adhuc mundo praebebat lumina ...
nec bracchia longo
margine terrarum porrexerat Amphitrite;"
                                          - sup., 1.10 
Exterior alterations to both front and rear facades sculpt architectural masques boldly facing, albeit with sarcasm, the problems particular to that part of the city: the commercial non-viability due to the loss of pride of ownership; the abandonment of judicious maintenance of the built environment;  the laical distancings from civic beauty. 
"Sunt geminae Samni portae; quarum altera fertur
cornea, qua veris facilis datur exitus umbris,
altera candenti perfecta nitens elephanto,
sed falsa ad caelum mittunt insomnia Manes."
     --Publius Vergilius Maro, Aeneid, Book VI, 893
Rideau Street Entrance:
  • Red Ottawa Brick with Burlap Texture
  • Travertine Base and Entrance Planes
  • Plastic Elm leaves epoxied onto cementitious base
  • Clear anodized aluminum window frames with double corrugated translucent fibreglass panes
  • Nickel door frame with solid core, PVC skinned double doors
"In medio ramos annosaque bracchia pandit
ulmus opaca, ingens, quam sedem Somnia volgo
vana tenere ferunt, foliisque sub omnibus haerent."
                                                   --sup., Book VI, 282
Besserer Street Entrance:
  • Coal granulared lightweight concrete block with raked joints.
  • Ontario green granite base and Entrance planes.
  • Plastic English Ivy Epoxied onto cementitious base.
  • Zinc door frame with solid core, Corian skinned double doors.
"...Lethaei ad fluminis undam
securos latices et longa oblivia potant."
                                    --sup., Book VI, 714
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