workbook/  289 Caruthers Street, 22/02/03

Preliminary massing for garden apartment

Garden Apartment over Studio/Garage

Auch kleine Dinge können uns entzücken,
auch kleine Dinge können teuer sein.
Bedenkt, wie gern wir uns mit Perlen schmücken;
sie werden schwer bezahlt und sind nur klein,
Bedenkt wie klein ist die Olivenfrucht,
und wird um ihre Güte doch gesucht,
Denkt an die Rose nur, wie klein sie ist,
und duftet doch so lieblich, wie ihr wißt.
Even small things can delight us,
Even small things can be precious,
consider how  we love to adorn ourselves with pearls;
they fetch a high price, and are only small.
Consider how small the olive is,
yet it is sought for its goodness.
Just think of the rose, how small it is,
yet it smells so sweet, as you know.
Hugo Wolf, Italienisches  Liederbuch (1)      

Preliminary studies for 1,800 square foot two storey apartment over garage and foundry, deriving from conceptual framework outlined in workbook 56.

The building's interior is resultant from the integrative and segregative conditions  of subtly bricolaging cubic, spherical, cove vaulted, and barrel vaulted volumes (archetypal volumes which were generated by combinations of spherical and planar surfaces). Through influencing choosing of materials, and fixing the selected geometries, integration and segregation also generate the aesthetic conditions of referencing the past and future through our present attitudes about use of the antique forms .

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